Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Poetry Pebbles


Cry Ride
Red Ran
Went Away
"Self Portrait"
It's Black or White
I Love the Sand,
Blue Fruit.
Parent to Maggie.
Tan Cat.
Try Purple.
"They bike in the sun for green food".
dog the God
Wine in orange!
Walk mad car.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Beautiful Mind

I guess it's a coincidence that I had a nervous breakdown and am doing the day program at the mental hospital while we're reading "A Beautiful Mind".

I've had a rough month so I didn't get to read much of the book but I watched the movie. I don't have schizophrenia but I think one of the women on the ward does. She talks to people but calls them by different names and talks about things that aren't even going on.

John Nash does have an amazing life, worthy of writing about but everyone does if you think about it. Nash is very smart and he was awarded the nobel prize. If only all people with mental illness could be so lucky. Usually it's a constant struggle. For most of us we can't even hold down a minimum wage job.

Being at the hospital helped me learn to cope with daily life but I'm far from being the star of a movie or winning any awards.