Modesty ruled by fairs,
Plow through my fears.
Swim in my soul,
my synthesis sole.
Dicker not a pane,
Wooer to bring me pain.
Sinner deserves no medal,
oh, the pain of metal.
Wishing son,
Chameleon becomes my Sun.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
why cunt is an awesome word
so many stuck up sluts hate that word. Why? I just like to piss them off.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Who is like God?
St. Michael the Archangel
(Hebrew "Who is like God?").
St. Michael is one of the principal angels; his name was the war-cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against the enemy and his followers. Four times his name is recorded in Scripture:
(1) Daniel 10:13 sqq., Gabriel says to Daniel, when he asks God to permit the Jews to return to Jerusalem: "The Angel [D.V. prince] of the kingdom of the Persians resisted me . . . and, behold Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me . . . and none is my helper in all these things, but Michael your prince."
(2) Daniel 12, the Angel speaking of the end of the world and the Antichrist says: "At that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people."
(3) In the Catholic Epistle of St. Jude: "When Michael the Archangel, disputing with the devil, contended about the body of Moses", etc. St. Jude alludes to an ancient Jewish tradition of a dispute between Michael and Satan over the body of Moses, an account of which is also found in the apocryphal book on the assumption of Moses (Origen, De Principiis III.2.2). St. Michael concealed the tomb of Moses; Satan, however, by disclosing it, tried to seduce the Jewish people to the sin of hero-worship. St. Michael also guards the body of Eve, according to the "Revelation of Moses" ("Apocryphal Gospels", etc., ed. A. Walker, Edinburgh, p. 647).
(4) Apocalypse 12:7, "And there was a great battle in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon." St. John speaks of the great conflict at the end of time, which reflects also the battle in heaven at the beginning of time. According to the Fathers there is often question of St. Michael in Scripture where his name is not mentioned. They say he was the cherub who stood at the gate of paradise, "to keep the way of the tree of life" (Genesis 3:24), the angel through whom God published the Decalogue to his chosen people, the angel who stood in the way against Balaam (Numbers 22:22 sqq.), the angel who routed the army of Sennacherib (2 Kings 19:35).
Following these Scriptural passages, Christian tradition gives to St. Michael four offices:
•To fight against Satan.
•To rescue the souls of the faithful from the power of the enemy, especially at the hour of death.
•To be the champion of God's people, the Jews in the Old Law, the Christians in the New Testament; therefore he was the patron of the Church, and of the orders of knights during the Middle Ages.
•To call away from earth and bring men's souls to judgment ("signifer S. Michael repraesentet eas in lucam sanctam", Offert. Miss Defunct. "Constituit eum principem super animas suscipiendas", Antiph. off. Cf. The Shepherd of Hermas, Book III, Similitude 8, Chapter 3).
Regarding his rank in the celestial hierarchy opinions vary; St. Basil (Hom. de angelis) and other Greek Fathers, also Salmeron, Bellarmine, etc., place St. Michael over all the angels; they say he is called "archangel" because he is the prince of the other angels; others (cf. P. Bonaventura, op. cit.) believe that he is the prince of the seraphim, the first of the nine angelic orders. But, according to St. Thomas (Summa Ia.113.3) he is the prince of the last and lowest choir, the angels. The Roman Liturgy seems to follow the Greek Fathers; it calls him "Princeps militiae coelestis quem honorificant angelorum cives". The hymn of the Mozarabic Breviary places St. Michael even above the Twenty-four Elders. The Greek Liturgy styles him Archistrategos, "highest general" (cf. Menaea, 8 Nov. and 6 Sept.).
(Hebrew "Who is like God?").
St. Michael is one of the principal angels; his name was the war-cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against the enemy and his followers. Four times his name is recorded in Scripture:
(1) Daniel 10:13 sqq., Gabriel says to Daniel, when he asks God to permit the Jews to return to Jerusalem: "The Angel [D.V. prince] of the kingdom of the Persians resisted me . . . and, behold Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me . . . and none is my helper in all these things, but Michael your prince."
(2) Daniel 12, the Angel speaking of the end of the world and the Antichrist says: "At that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people."
(3) In the Catholic Epistle of St. Jude: "When Michael the Archangel, disputing with the devil, contended about the body of Moses", etc. St. Jude alludes to an ancient Jewish tradition of a dispute between Michael and Satan over the body of Moses, an account of which is also found in the apocryphal book on the assumption of Moses (Origen, De Principiis III.2.2). St. Michael concealed the tomb of Moses; Satan, however, by disclosing it, tried to seduce the Jewish people to the sin of hero-worship. St. Michael also guards the body of Eve, according to the "Revelation of Moses" ("Apocryphal Gospels", etc., ed. A. Walker, Edinburgh, p. 647).
(4) Apocalypse 12:7, "And there was a great battle in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon." St. John speaks of the great conflict at the end of time, which reflects also the battle in heaven at the beginning of time. According to the Fathers there is often question of St. Michael in Scripture where his name is not mentioned. They say he was the cherub who stood at the gate of paradise, "to keep the way of the tree of life" (Genesis 3:24), the angel through whom God published the Decalogue to his chosen people, the angel who stood in the way against Balaam (Numbers 22:22 sqq.), the angel who routed the army of Sennacherib (2 Kings 19:35).
Following these Scriptural passages, Christian tradition gives to St. Michael four offices:
•To fight against Satan.
•To rescue the souls of the faithful from the power of the enemy, especially at the hour of death.
•To be the champion of God's people, the Jews in the Old Law, the Christians in the New Testament; therefore he was the patron of the Church, and of the orders of knights during the Middle Ages.
•To call away from earth and bring men's souls to judgment ("signifer S. Michael repraesentet eas in lucam sanctam", Offert. Miss Defunct. "Constituit eum principem super animas suscipiendas", Antiph. off. Cf. The Shepherd of Hermas, Book III, Similitude 8, Chapter 3).
Regarding his rank in the celestial hierarchy opinions vary; St. Basil (Hom. de angelis) and other Greek Fathers, also Salmeron, Bellarmine, etc., place St. Michael over all the angels; they say he is called "archangel" because he is the prince of the other angels; others (cf. P. Bonaventura, op. cit.) believe that he is the prince of the seraphim, the first of the nine angelic orders. But, according to St. Thomas (Summa Ia.113.3) he is the prince of the last and lowest choir, the angels. The Roman Liturgy seems to follow the Greek Fathers; it calls him "Princeps militiae coelestis quem honorificant angelorum cives". The hymn of the Mozarabic Breviary places St. Michael even above the Twenty-four Elders. The Greek Liturgy styles him Archistrategos, "highest general" (cf. Menaea, 8 Nov. and 6 Sept.).
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Eradicate Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Now!
Eradicate Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Now!
SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - is a tragic way for infants to die. The medical establishment seems to have no idea what causes it. Apparently healthy infants just suddenly die in their sleep, with no apparent warning. Two out of every thousand live-born infants die of this syndrome.
Cause Unknown or Cause Ignored?
But is the cause really unknown, or has it been ignored and marginalized? In the 1970s, an Australian doctor named Archie Kalokerinos volunteered to serve the Aboriginal people in the opal mining region of Australia. He found that an astonishing 50% of infants were dying, primarily from SIDS. He noted that the people and their infants were almost completely deficient of vitamin C in their diet, and began a supplementation program. Before long the infant mortality rate had dropped to near zero, and no child subsequently died of SIDS. In 1978, Dr. Irwin Stone, one of the doctors who pioneered research in vitamin C, reported this in a paper presented at the Conference On Controversies In Human And Clinical Nutrition that SIDS was in fact a result of what he called Chronic Subclinical Scurvy (vitamin C deficiency):
The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or Crib Death, has been shown by the Australian workers, A. Kalokerinos and G. Dettman, to be a manifestation of infantile scurvy, due to the fact that all infants, born of mothers who depended solely on their diet as their only source of ascorbate, are born with the CSS Syndrome after nine months of intrauterine scurvy (Stone. 1978). SIDS can be prevented by increasing the infant’s intake of ascorbate (Cook, 1978). This has been known and published since 1974 (Kalokerinos, 1974). (Irwin Stone, Eight Decades of Scurvy - The Case History of a Misleading Dietary Hypothesis, 1978).
Many of these infants were dying after receiving government-mandated vaccinations. Dr. Thomas Levy writes:
Vaccinations also generally present some degree of toxin insult to the body. Kalokerinos (1981) observed that vitamin C-deficient Aboriginal infants were often placed into an acute state of scurvy because of the additional vitamin C demands placed on their bodies by the vaccination injections, resulting in sudden death. (Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, & Toxins – Curing The Incurable, 2002).
Dr. Kalokerinos wrote about his experience in his first book "Every Second Child," and with the help of other physicians organized a national tour of the U.S. with the other physician who worked with him on vitamin C and SIDS, Dr. Glen Dettman. But the medical profession here and the NIH marginalized and ignored his work.
Fast-forward to 2004. Here we are, thirty years after two courageous doctors found the root cause - and cure - for SIDS. Tens of thousands of infants have died unnecessarily, and more infant deaths seem inevitable. These are tragic deaths that were and are totally preventable. But doctors all over the world are still looking for an elusive cause, there are hundreds of SIDS research sites and support networks, and no one is talking about the vitamin C connection or doing anything about it, with the exception of a few doctors who have been using large-dose vitamin C for years such as Robert Cathcart of Los Altos, California. The medical establishment just refuses to believe that this syndrome could be caused by a simple nutrient deficiency.
Large Amounts of Vitamin C Essential for Health
Vitamin C - an essential nutrient more accurately called ascorbate - is needed by the human body in large quantities for literally dozens of metabolic processes, from tissue repair to recycling of cholesterol to neutralization of free radicals and toxins to the building of antibodies and white blood cells. Most animals - other than humans, primates, guinea pigs, and a couple of rare animals - produce their own vitamin C in large amounts from glucose (a simple sugar found in blood), either in their liver (mammals) or their kidneys (reptiles).
The optimum dose for all of these metabolic processes is about 200-1000 mg per 10 lbs of body weight, depending on the level of stress, activity, environmental toxins, and general health. We "use up" vitamin C faster if we work in a stressful job, exercise heavily, are exposed to toxins, or if we are ill.
If we do not ingest any vitamin C, we get scurvy; we need vitamin C to repair normal microscopic wear and tear of the walls of our arteries, and when they cannot be repaired, they hemorrhage. We literally bleed to death internally.
But what happens if we get some, but not enough? The "Recommended Daily Allowance" of vitamin C is a small fraction of the amount we - and infants - really need. Many metabolic processes will be compromised, but the outward signs won't be obvious. Artery wall repair will happen more slowly, and the human body compensates for this deficiency with a sticky plaque called lipoprotein(a) - the root cause of cardiovascular disease. Antibodies and white blood cells will be built incorrectly or not at all. Cholesterol, needed for nutrient transport, will not be recycled properly.
For infants, this is deadly. Their little bodies have very little reserves to draw upon. Without sufficient vitamin C, their immune systems and arteries are fragile. A single stressful event, a minor fall, a vaccination, a toxic exposure, or a simple virus or bacterial illness could tip the balance and kill them. Metabolic failure, heart failure, toxic trauma to vital organs, hemorrhage - it could happen dozens of ways. Sudden death, with no warning. SIDS.
We Can Eradicate SIDS
It's now time to eradicate this syndrome once and for all. It is time to supplement every child's diet with a minimum of 200 mg of vitamin C per day for each 10 lbs of body weight, and more - up to 1000 mg per day for each 10 lbs of body weight - for children who are ill or whose immune systems are compromised. For example, you would give a newborn infant (7-10 lbs) a minimum of about 150-200 mg per day.
If a child is ill or stressed, his or her body uses far more than that. It is easy to find out how much vitamin C a child really needs - too much causes a non-harmful, temporary diarrhea, and you just reduce the dosage until the diarrhea subsides. This is called the "bowel tolerance dose" by Dr. Robert Cathcart, who has been treating his patients with large-dosage vitamin C for more than twenty-five years.
Vitamin C that is usable for children is available in liquid form (such as Child-Life Vitamin C liquid) from many health food stores or online. Do not use varieties sweetened with honey or containing a lot of ingredients. Spread out the daily dose in three divided doses. Measure it carefully and mix it with pasteurized orange juice to give it to your child.
Pregnant mothers need to take vitamin C to provide enough to their babies in the womb, using the same formula of 200 mg per 10 lbs of body weight, or about 3000-4000 mg per day, in divided doses, for an adult of typical weight. You should take much more - up to your "bowel tolerance dose" - if you are ill or under stress. Vitamin C deficiency can affect the normal development of the child, so it is important to use supplemental vitamin C during pregnancy and starting immediately after the child is born.
Here's how to do the calculation: take your body weight or the weight of your child, divide by 10, and then multiply by 200 mg to get the minimum dose of vitamin C. So for a child who weighs 20 lbs, you divide 20 by 10, result 2, then multiply by 200, result 400 mg per day minimum dose. For an adult who weighs 150 lbs, divide by 10, result 15, then multiply by 200, result 3000 mg per day minimum dose.
For increased dosage if the child is ill or his or her immune system is compromised, you can provide up to 100-200 mg per 10 lbs of body weight for each individual dose, up to 5 doses per day, checking for bowel tolerance: if diarrhea occurs, reduce dosage until it subsides and then continue with a reduced dosage. Vitamin C can save the child's life in cases of severe influenza or pneumonia. (Always confer with a competent pediatrician if a child is severely ill! It is important to find a pediatrician who believes in vitamin C, so that if the child is hospitalized they will continue with vitamin C supplementation.) Once the child is well, gradually reduce vitamin C to the dosage you use regularly.
For vaccinations: In general, I recommend that parents seriously consider not vaccinating their children, and certainly never to vaccinate against hepatitis B, because the vaccine has a horrific reputation for harming children, and hepatitis B is both extremely rare and also quite curable. Vaccines in general contain both live (but "attenuated") viruses and a brew of toxic chemicals and preservatives, sometimes including mercury (thimerosal). This places a huge burden on the child's immune system, and quickly depletes vitamin C. Many SIDS victims have died shortly after vaccinations.
If you decide to vaccinate your child, increase the vitamin C dose dramatically several hours before and for several days after the vaccination to prevent vitamin C depletion and so that the child's immune and detoxification systems will have a chance to kill the viruses and neutralize the toxins. Demand non-thimerosal, single-dose, single-virus vaccines; the multiple-virus vaccines such as DPT and MMP have the worst reputations regarding harm to infants. Tetanus is probably the only disease for which there is any real justification for vaccination.
Is Vitamin C safe in these doses?
Vitamin C is safe in literally any amounts. As mentioned above, it is an essential nutrient needed in large quantities for dozens of metabolic processes. Many people, including this author, have taken very large doses of vitamin C for many years without any side effects, and live healthier lives as a result. 100,000 mg to 300,000 mg amounts have been given intravenously to people who are very ill with AIDS and other illnesses, with no adverse effects. It does not cause kidney stones, heart disease, or cancer; as a matter of fact, it prevents them. The pharmaceutical industry and its allies have gotten the media to spread false warnings about large-dose vitamin C to the media, and the refutations by prominent researchers and clinicians are never printed.
Eradicate SIDS Now!
Let's make SIDS history! If you are pregnant or you have an infant or older child, please begin vitamin C supplementation now. A Microsoft Word version of this article is available at for public distribution. Please print, copy, send, and distribute this printable document widely, to your friends and relatives who have children, to everyone you know.
Jonathan Campbell, Health Consultant
January 15, 2004
Kalokerinos Archie, Every Second Child. Thomas Nelson (Australia) Ltd., Melbourne, 1974.
Kalokerinos Archie, Medical Pioneer of the 20th Century. Biological Therapies Publishing, 2000
Levy Thomas, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, & Toxins - Curing the Incurable. Xlibris, 2002.
Hattersley J, The Answer to Crib Death “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” (SIDS), Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Volume 8, Number 4, 1993, pp.229-245
Stone I, Eight Decades of Scurvy - The Case History of a Misleading Dietary Hypothesis, presentation at the Conference On Controversies In Human And Clinical Nutrition, Boston University School of Medicine, Hyannis, Massachusetts. July 16, 1978
SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - is a tragic way for infants to die. The medical establishment seems to have no idea what causes it. Apparently healthy infants just suddenly die in their sleep, with no apparent warning. Two out of every thousand live-born infants die of this syndrome.
Cause Unknown or Cause Ignored?
But is the cause really unknown, or has it been ignored and marginalized? In the 1970s, an Australian doctor named Archie Kalokerinos volunteered to serve the Aboriginal people in the opal mining region of Australia. He found that an astonishing 50% of infants were dying, primarily from SIDS. He noted that the people and their infants were almost completely deficient of vitamin C in their diet, and began a supplementation program. Before long the infant mortality rate had dropped to near zero, and no child subsequently died of SIDS. In 1978, Dr. Irwin Stone, one of the doctors who pioneered research in vitamin C, reported this in a paper presented at the Conference On Controversies In Human And Clinical Nutrition that SIDS was in fact a result of what he called Chronic Subclinical Scurvy (vitamin C deficiency):
The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or Crib Death, has been shown by the Australian workers, A. Kalokerinos and G. Dettman, to be a manifestation of infantile scurvy, due to the fact that all infants, born of mothers who depended solely on their diet as their only source of ascorbate, are born with the CSS Syndrome after nine months of intrauterine scurvy (Stone. 1978). SIDS can be prevented by increasing the infant’s intake of ascorbate (Cook, 1978). This has been known and published since 1974 (Kalokerinos, 1974). (Irwin Stone, Eight Decades of Scurvy - The Case History of a Misleading Dietary Hypothesis, 1978).
Many of these infants were dying after receiving government-mandated vaccinations. Dr. Thomas Levy writes:
Vaccinations also generally present some degree of toxin insult to the body. Kalokerinos (1981) observed that vitamin C-deficient Aboriginal infants were often placed into an acute state of scurvy because of the additional vitamin C demands placed on their bodies by the vaccination injections, resulting in sudden death. (Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, & Toxins – Curing The Incurable, 2002).
Dr. Kalokerinos wrote about his experience in his first book "Every Second Child," and with the help of other physicians organized a national tour of the U.S. with the other physician who worked with him on vitamin C and SIDS, Dr. Glen Dettman. But the medical profession here and the NIH marginalized and ignored his work.
Fast-forward to 2004. Here we are, thirty years after two courageous doctors found the root cause - and cure - for SIDS. Tens of thousands of infants have died unnecessarily, and more infant deaths seem inevitable. These are tragic deaths that were and are totally preventable. But doctors all over the world are still looking for an elusive cause, there are hundreds of SIDS research sites and support networks, and no one is talking about the vitamin C connection or doing anything about it, with the exception of a few doctors who have been using large-dose vitamin C for years such as Robert Cathcart of Los Altos, California. The medical establishment just refuses to believe that this syndrome could be caused by a simple nutrient deficiency.
Large Amounts of Vitamin C Essential for Health
Vitamin C - an essential nutrient more accurately called ascorbate - is needed by the human body in large quantities for literally dozens of metabolic processes, from tissue repair to recycling of cholesterol to neutralization of free radicals and toxins to the building of antibodies and white blood cells. Most animals - other than humans, primates, guinea pigs, and a couple of rare animals - produce their own vitamin C in large amounts from glucose (a simple sugar found in blood), either in their liver (mammals) or their kidneys (reptiles).
The optimum dose for all of these metabolic processes is about 200-1000 mg per 10 lbs of body weight, depending on the level of stress, activity, environmental toxins, and general health. We "use up" vitamin C faster if we work in a stressful job, exercise heavily, are exposed to toxins, or if we are ill.
If we do not ingest any vitamin C, we get scurvy; we need vitamin C to repair normal microscopic wear and tear of the walls of our arteries, and when they cannot be repaired, they hemorrhage. We literally bleed to death internally.
But what happens if we get some, but not enough? The "Recommended Daily Allowance" of vitamin C is a small fraction of the amount we - and infants - really need. Many metabolic processes will be compromised, but the outward signs won't be obvious. Artery wall repair will happen more slowly, and the human body compensates for this deficiency with a sticky plaque called lipoprotein(a) - the root cause of cardiovascular disease. Antibodies and white blood cells will be built incorrectly or not at all. Cholesterol, needed for nutrient transport, will not be recycled properly.
For infants, this is deadly. Their little bodies have very little reserves to draw upon. Without sufficient vitamin C, their immune systems and arteries are fragile. A single stressful event, a minor fall, a vaccination, a toxic exposure, or a simple virus or bacterial illness could tip the balance and kill them. Metabolic failure, heart failure, toxic trauma to vital organs, hemorrhage - it could happen dozens of ways. Sudden death, with no warning. SIDS.
We Can Eradicate SIDS
It's now time to eradicate this syndrome once and for all. It is time to supplement every child's diet with a minimum of 200 mg of vitamin C per day for each 10 lbs of body weight, and more - up to 1000 mg per day for each 10 lbs of body weight - for children who are ill or whose immune systems are compromised. For example, you would give a newborn infant (7-10 lbs) a minimum of about 150-200 mg per day.
If a child is ill or stressed, his or her body uses far more than that. It is easy to find out how much vitamin C a child really needs - too much causes a non-harmful, temporary diarrhea, and you just reduce the dosage until the diarrhea subsides. This is called the "bowel tolerance dose" by Dr. Robert Cathcart, who has been treating his patients with large-dosage vitamin C for more than twenty-five years.
Vitamin C that is usable for children is available in liquid form (such as Child-Life Vitamin C liquid) from many health food stores or online. Do not use varieties sweetened with honey or containing a lot of ingredients. Spread out the daily dose in three divided doses. Measure it carefully and mix it with pasteurized orange juice to give it to your child.
Pregnant mothers need to take vitamin C to provide enough to their babies in the womb, using the same formula of 200 mg per 10 lbs of body weight, or about 3000-4000 mg per day, in divided doses, for an adult of typical weight. You should take much more - up to your "bowel tolerance dose" - if you are ill or under stress. Vitamin C deficiency can affect the normal development of the child, so it is important to use supplemental vitamin C during pregnancy and starting immediately after the child is born.
Here's how to do the calculation: take your body weight or the weight of your child, divide by 10, and then multiply by 200 mg to get the minimum dose of vitamin C. So for a child who weighs 20 lbs, you divide 20 by 10, result 2, then multiply by 200, result 400 mg per day minimum dose. For an adult who weighs 150 lbs, divide by 10, result 15, then multiply by 200, result 3000 mg per day minimum dose.
For increased dosage if the child is ill or his or her immune system is compromised, you can provide up to 100-200 mg per 10 lbs of body weight for each individual dose, up to 5 doses per day, checking for bowel tolerance: if diarrhea occurs, reduce dosage until it subsides and then continue with a reduced dosage. Vitamin C can save the child's life in cases of severe influenza or pneumonia. (Always confer with a competent pediatrician if a child is severely ill! It is important to find a pediatrician who believes in vitamin C, so that if the child is hospitalized they will continue with vitamin C supplementation.) Once the child is well, gradually reduce vitamin C to the dosage you use regularly.
For vaccinations: In general, I recommend that parents seriously consider not vaccinating their children, and certainly never to vaccinate against hepatitis B, because the vaccine has a horrific reputation for harming children, and hepatitis B is both extremely rare and also quite curable. Vaccines in general contain both live (but "attenuated") viruses and a brew of toxic chemicals and preservatives, sometimes including mercury (thimerosal). This places a huge burden on the child's immune system, and quickly depletes vitamin C. Many SIDS victims have died shortly after vaccinations.
If you decide to vaccinate your child, increase the vitamin C dose dramatically several hours before and for several days after the vaccination to prevent vitamin C depletion and so that the child's immune and detoxification systems will have a chance to kill the viruses and neutralize the toxins. Demand non-thimerosal, single-dose, single-virus vaccines; the multiple-virus vaccines such as DPT and MMP have the worst reputations regarding harm to infants. Tetanus is probably the only disease for which there is any real justification for vaccination.
Is Vitamin C safe in these doses?
Vitamin C is safe in literally any amounts. As mentioned above, it is an essential nutrient needed in large quantities for dozens of metabolic processes. Many people, including this author, have taken very large doses of vitamin C for many years without any side effects, and live healthier lives as a result. 100,000 mg to 300,000 mg amounts have been given intravenously to people who are very ill with AIDS and other illnesses, with no adverse effects. It does not cause kidney stones, heart disease, or cancer; as a matter of fact, it prevents them. The pharmaceutical industry and its allies have gotten the media to spread false warnings about large-dose vitamin C to the media, and the refutations by prominent researchers and clinicians are never printed.
Eradicate SIDS Now!
Let's make SIDS history! If you are pregnant or you have an infant or older child, please begin vitamin C supplementation now. A Microsoft Word version of this article is available at for public distribution. Please print, copy, send, and distribute this printable document widely, to your friends and relatives who have children, to everyone you know.
Jonathan Campbell, Health Consultant
January 15, 2004
Kalokerinos Archie, Every Second Child. Thomas Nelson (Australia) Ltd., Melbourne, 1974.
Kalokerinos Archie, Medical Pioneer of the 20th Century. Biological Therapies Publishing, 2000
Levy Thomas, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, & Toxins - Curing the Incurable. Xlibris, 2002.
Hattersley J, The Answer to Crib Death “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” (SIDS), Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Volume 8, Number 4, 1993, pp.229-245
Stone I, Eight Decades of Scurvy - The Case History of a Misleading Dietary Hypothesis, presentation at the Conference On Controversies In Human And Clinical Nutrition, Boston University School of Medicine, Hyannis, Massachusetts. July 16, 1978
Monday, May 31, 2010
Erogenous Zones?!
Some astrologists associate a certain astrological sign with the particular part of the body. Here we’d like to provide a kind of seduction plan that we hope will be helpful for you in discovering the sensual world of your partner.
Aries: the head and the face. Aries are more sensitive when you stroke his forehead and temples. They adore if you are playing with their hair: combing and running through his hair with your fingers. Aries women like kissing with the bristled or bearded men. A light graze of their lips will make the sensations just great.
Taurus: the neck. You may begin with a gentle touch at the back of his head, slowly going down and kissing his neck. You can surprise him if you touch his neck while adjusting the tie as if it was incidentally. Your sensual kisses and gentle bites should proceed slowly and naturally.
Gemini: hands, arms, shoulders. Try to run over his fingers, kissing inner side of the arm beginning with the elbow till the armpits. You will feel him shivering as long as you linger this foreplay.
Cancer: the breasts. Men as well as women are especially receptive to French kisses. And still the breast is one of the most sensitive parts of their bodies. Their reaction will be pungent when you use oral and manual stimulation of their nipples. Careful tingles can increase the pleasure.
Leo: the back. You can start the “main performance” in the bathroom. When you slightly rub his back with a sponge, he turns into a fluffy tomcat. Being on the peak of pleasure you may scratch his back. Don’t forget about erotic massage with scented oil.
Virgo: the stomach. Virgos most easily react to you, when you touch them with your tongue and hair along the stomach. Linger over and kiss the navel and you will see how it works.
Libra: lower back and the buttocks. You can easily distinguish Libra, as they have the sightliest buttocks. In the most intimate moment gently tap on their butt, tingling it archly. You can spice him up if you touch him with you nipples on the lower back.
Scorpio: the sex organs. You shouldn’t be ingenious to find the most sensitive Scorpion’s zones. The slight stroke of his penis can drive him wild. And nothing can turn him on more than oral petting.
Sagittarius: the thighs. Stroking the inner side of their thighs and slight touching of the area that is close to genitals can guarantee to awaken his senses. Sagittarius woman is also sensitive to a gentle play with her hair. Both women and men like when you massage their hips with warm oil.
Capricorn: the knees. His passion fires up when you kiss him under his knees. Slide over his body with your nipples, taking you time near a navel and thighs.
Aquarius: from the calves till the ankles. All the poses that allow touching these zones will prolong his pleasure. They are receptive to a slight caress.
Pisces: the feet. They react when you begin a soft massage, fondling their heels and feet tenderly. With you fingertips or a feather smoothly touch the feet, going round and biting a little and this will give them the most desired pleasure.
Aries: the head and the face. Aries are more sensitive when you stroke his forehead and temples. They adore if you are playing with their hair: combing and running through his hair with your fingers. Aries women like kissing with the bristled or bearded men. A light graze of their lips will make the sensations just great.
Taurus: the neck. You may begin with a gentle touch at the back of his head, slowly going down and kissing his neck. You can surprise him if you touch his neck while adjusting the tie as if it was incidentally. Your sensual kisses and gentle bites should proceed slowly and naturally.
Gemini: hands, arms, shoulders. Try to run over his fingers, kissing inner side of the arm beginning with the elbow till the armpits. You will feel him shivering as long as you linger this foreplay.
Cancer: the breasts. Men as well as women are especially receptive to French kisses. And still the breast is one of the most sensitive parts of their bodies. Their reaction will be pungent when you use oral and manual stimulation of their nipples. Careful tingles can increase the pleasure.
Leo: the back. You can start the “main performance” in the bathroom. When you slightly rub his back with a sponge, he turns into a fluffy tomcat. Being on the peak of pleasure you may scratch his back. Don’t forget about erotic massage with scented oil.
Virgo: the stomach. Virgos most easily react to you, when you touch them with your tongue and hair along the stomach. Linger over and kiss the navel and you will see how it works.
Libra: lower back and the buttocks. You can easily distinguish Libra, as they have the sightliest buttocks. In the most intimate moment gently tap on their butt, tingling it archly. You can spice him up if you touch him with you nipples on the lower back.
Scorpio: the sex organs. You shouldn’t be ingenious to find the most sensitive Scorpion’s zones. The slight stroke of his penis can drive him wild. And nothing can turn him on more than oral petting.
Sagittarius: the thighs. Stroking the inner side of their thighs and slight touching of the area that is close to genitals can guarantee to awaken his senses. Sagittarius woman is also sensitive to a gentle play with her hair. Both women and men like when you massage their hips with warm oil.
Capricorn: the knees. His passion fires up when you kiss him under his knees. Slide over his body with your nipples, taking you time near a navel and thighs.
Aquarius: from the calves till the ankles. All the poses that allow touching these zones will prolong his pleasure. They are receptive to a slight caress.
Pisces: the feet. They react when you begin a soft massage, fondling their heels and feet tenderly. With you fingertips or a feather smoothly touch the feet, going round and biting a little and this will give them the most desired pleasure.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Why the WAAF email army is corrupt
I've been a member of the aaf email army for years now and I have played all the games and trivia and everything. So I bought items and won things, etc. and everything I was supposed to get from them. (about 5 or 6) things over the past few years mysteriously got lost in the mail. I always email them when it happened and they blatently blow me off. A word of advice, don't bother signing up. If you want to play games and stuff, a really cool site is Thanks for your time!
Finding Things in 2's
Lately I have been collecting lucky objects because we definitely all need some luck. Anyway, I found 2 acorns stuck together and 2 four leaf clovers. Eventhough the Bible doesn't believe in luck heres some thing about the number 2 in the Bible
TWO: This number can mean difference, division, or double portion.
•On the second day God created light and darkness. [Genesis 1:3-4]
•The Ten Commandments were inscribed on two tablets of stone. [Exodus 31:18; 32:15; 34:1, 4, 29]
•The children of Israel were forbidden to collect manna on the Sabbath and therefore were permitted to collect a double portion of manna on Friday.[Exodus 16:5]
•On the 6th day of Creation God created two'male and female'of every species in order that fertility might be a blessing to the earth. [Genesis 1:24-31]
•In the New Testament Christians also saw this number as a symbol of the second person of the Trinity, the Incarnation of God the Son in the perfection of His humanity and divinity.
I hope I'm not pregnant.
TWO: This number can mean difference, division, or double portion.
•On the second day God created light and darkness. [Genesis 1:3-4]
•The Ten Commandments were inscribed on two tablets of stone. [Exodus 31:18; 32:15; 34:1, 4, 29]
•The children of Israel were forbidden to collect manna on the Sabbath and therefore were permitted to collect a double portion of manna on Friday.[Exodus 16:5]
•On the 6th day of Creation God created two'male and female'of every species in order that fertility might be a blessing to the earth. [Genesis 1:24-31]
•In the New Testament Christians also saw this number as a symbol of the second person of the Trinity, the Incarnation of God the Son in the perfection of His humanity and divinity.
I hope I'm not pregnant.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Right or Left Brained?
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Updated Personal Story
I always wanted to be a closet alcoholic. I loved the idea of being drunk without anyone knowking. As it turns out, it's beyond obvious when I'm drunk. Here's my story. I was born on Leap Year 1976. Originally my mother’s doctor said I was anticipated to be born on January 15th. My mother would start having contractions and go to the hospital. Unfortunately, the doctor would inform her that she was not having contractions. Finally, my grandmother Georgenia was forced to call the doctor and demanded that he do an emergency c-section. Incidentally, the umbilical cord had been binding around my neck causing me to not to break the surface. Then, from what I hear, the nurses coming out of the delivery room were covered in a bloody mess. This scared my relatives who were unsure of what was happening. I survived but I had to be put in an incubator for over a week. Given that I was born so late, my finger nails were even long. After they were sure I would survive, some doctors alleged that if I had been a boy I certainly wouldn't have had the willpower to survive.
The next 3 years went by pretty lovely as far an only child. After 3 years I was bestowed a baby sister and then a year later a brother. One spring morning my mother, sister and I went to awaken my 4 month old brother Michael. He was in his crib facing the wall. My mother lightly called his name. "Michael". Then, Michael didn't respond. Again she called his name and touched his back. He gave no response. Finally she bellowed his name and turned him away from the wall. His face was blue. I suddenly knew what death looked like. Michael was transported to the hospital in the ambulance. Next, all of our family started arriving at our house. I asked my grandmother Marion if Michael would be ok. She said "I can't lie to you, he's dead." They tried to recuperate him but he had died of SIDS.
My mother had put Michael’s crib in my bedroom. My mother required me to wake up with Michael during the night. The night of his death I heard him crying but I was too tired to get up with him. I never told anyone about that because I felt like his death was my fault. The other day I become conscious that I was only 6 years old and I should have never been held responsible for an infant. So, I spent the last 26 years of my life blaming and beating myself up. When in reality, my mother was guilty of neglect.
The next 4 years are a miasma. All I remember were visits with a psychiatrist regularly. We usually played games and I enjoyed seeing her. My parents decided to move out of the projects and buy a house in Winchendon, MA because my mother’s family was meddling in my parent’s affairs. Finally, I felt a wave of abandon from my worries as we moved to Winchendon. I was so eager to move that I left early with the moving truck instead of playing with the neighborhood kids for one last time.
At my new school I was petrified. I cried on the first day that my parents dropped me off. in next to no time a girl in my class befriended me. She gave me the chinwag on all the other kids. Then, at recess she pointed out a red-haired girl named Peggy playing soccer. My new friend warned me to pay no heed to her because she was a dork. Peggy turned out to live right behind my new house. We became good friends for a short time. This was during the time that the Jem cartoon was on TV. One day we called the show frantically trying to win a contest to sing the theme song. I got through to the voicemail while Peggy was in another room and I sang my heart out. Unfortunately, my singing voice is bad. Peggy lived with her grandparents for some reason and the grandfather in particular was a miserable man. He was always getting furious with the kids and I couldn’t be around him.
Soon after, on November 29th of 1985, my sister Tina was born. Once again, it became my responsibility to guard her during the day and wake up with her at night. It was then that I began experimenting with alcohol. My father, being an alcoholic to this day, always had a bottle of Wild Turkey around the house and I would indulge in some on occasion.
The first time I officially got drunk, it was a real disaster. I was at a modest get together in a friend’s parent’s basement/bar. We were making screwdrivers. Rapidly I got so drunk that I blacked out. All I can remember is that my friend Kevin pulled my pants down. Then we must have gone out in his back yard because they wanted to go in the tree house. As I tried to climb up I got to the top and then slipped. While I skidded down the tree my stomach got a long gash on it from a nail that was sticking out. The cut was pointed out to me the next day by my mother. For some reason she was in the bathroom when I was taking my clothes off to take a shower.
After I fell out of the tree house I went into what I thought was the woods but in reality I just walked all the way around a tree and I peed in front of a group of skater kids that had arrived without my being aware of them. The next day I went to school and I was still drunk.
There was also my uncles’ wedding. I was taking "sips" off everyone’s drinks. I ended up on the dj stage doing a karaoke type affair of Sowing the Seeds of Love by Tears for Fears. All the kids at the wedding were in close proximity to the stage cheering me on. It was a pleasant time and that is still one of my favorite songs. All this happened before I even was old enough for high school.
Chapter 2
I did a 360 (as one teacher called it) in high school. I got really into hardcore music and going to shows and I did really well in school at the same time. I made National Honor Society my junior year. They asked me to join as a sophomore but I thought it was too nerdy. When I told my mother that, she insisted that I join in my junior year so I figure "why not?” I received a lot of awards my senior year and graduated 4th in my class. Close to graduation I started dating a friend from Boston. He got me into weed and drinking again. On the day of my graduation party, my mother’s friend gave me some champagne. The party ended early because I got drunk and passed out. The next day I moved in with my boyfriend in Boston. I felt like a cool dude being able to support myself in the city.
I started to feel what a celebrity must feel. There were lights and music and people all the time. So, I began to party like I was famous. I moved around a lot. One of the first places I went to was a room that a friend from high school rented. He and his friends introduced me to acid. The first time I tripped was unreal. I and my friend took the acid in the room and just as it was kicking in, we got a ride from some people. That night brought us to many places, physically and emotionally. My favorite part was when we were peaking and we were sitting on a bench at a baseball field. It felt like it wasn't the ground that we were on but water. I could feel the bench floating and then I flicked a cigarette into the field but it looked we were on a boat in a pond and the cigarette extinguished as soon as it hit the surface. That night started a short love affair with acid. What I loved most about it were the people it introduced me to. I also started going to college at Mass Art during that time. I felt truly free. When I finally settled somewhere it was because a professor of mine could tell that something was going on with me based on my performance in her class. The fact was that I was homeless and out of money. As fate would have it, she had enormous pulling in the housing office. I was in my very own dorm room that day. When I moved out they even gave me my security deposit back (which I never paid for in the first place).
I met a guy named Gus in the dorm and we started drinking together almost every night. One night I had just bought a pair of roller skates at the thrift store and I was skating up and down the halls of the dorm. It was funny because we shared the dorm with M.I.T. students. We would hear them clacking away on their computers and I'm sure they could hear us partying.
On my 19th birthday I started going out with an acquaintance named Dan. I was truly in love. We enjoyed all the same things and he was really funny. We continued to party that year and the next year in the dorms and the following year in our apartment in Allston. It was there that I saw a movie that changed my life.
The movie was Paradise Lost. It's about 3 Arkansas teenagers who were accused and convicted of killing three kids. All the evidence pointed away from the teenagers. I immediately felt that I needed to help them get out of prison. I started by writing to one of the kids, Jason Baldwin. Then I handed out flyers on the streets of Boston encouraging people to see the movie and join the fight to free Jason, Jesse and Damien. The movie was in theatres at the time, I met the guys who made the film in New York City.
They were overjoyed that I was promoting their movie so they invited me to their premier party. There too I met a lot of other fascinating people. I just couldn’t believe I was drinking at a sophisticated New York City party. I don’t ever know where in New York City I was.
Finally, in December of 1996, I met Jason in prison. We had what is called a special visit together for 2 days and by the end of our visits, he asked me to marry him. I was happy and said yes. I went back to Boston and prepared to move closer to Jason. All my friends thought I was crazy and looking back on it I was.
I had a hard time finding an apartment so Jason's mother offered to let me live with her and her other two sons Matt and Terry. I took her up on her offer and moved to Memphis during the summer of 1997. I didn’t know at the time but my parents were about to get divorced. My father suggested that when he drive me down to Memphis that a “friend” from work could come too. Now he’s married to her.
Matt was a few years younger than me and we had a lot in common so we got along right away. Plus, I was 22 and could buy beer so he liked being around me. As sweaty southern trailer dwellers will do, we ended up having sex and we were basically having an affair after that.
When the summer was over, I quickly found a job at the University of Memphis, which I loved. In September I moved into a studio apartment in the Claridge House. I let Matt move in too, to keep me company. Our friendship drunkenly developed into a relationship which quickly went sour. Matt was physically abusive. I gave him a few chances then in the beginning of 1998 he went too far.
I was talking on the telephone with a friend from high school and Matt was fuming with jealousy. He ripped the phone cord out of the wall. Trying to avoid being with him, I laid down and tried to go to bed. I had a futon bunk bed. When I wrapped the comforter around me to go to sleep, he pulled it and I landed on the floor hard. I fell about 4 or 5 feet. I started to run across the room to press the security alarm but right before I got to it, he tackled me to the ground. Matt put me in a scissor type hold on my lower back to keep me from getting up. It worked; I still have a hard time standing up straight to this day. He held me "hostage" in the apartment the whole night. He didn't even let me go to the bathroom by myself.
Coincidentally, someone was picking us up in the morning to go visit Jason. That was my way to get Matt out of the apartment. When we got to the prison, they wouldn't let us in so we headed back to Memphis. Matt couldn't come into the building because he had previously been kicked out for throwing things off the roof. I told security what had happened and they tried to make sure he didn't get in again.
Fear got the best of me and I moved back to Massachusetts a few days later. While in Memphis I had begun showing signs of mental problems which I now know as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
The next 3 years went by pretty lovely as far an only child. After 3 years I was bestowed a baby sister and then a year later a brother. One spring morning my mother, sister and I went to awaken my 4 month old brother Michael. He was in his crib facing the wall. My mother lightly called his name. "Michael". Then, Michael didn't respond. Again she called his name and touched his back. He gave no response. Finally she bellowed his name and turned him away from the wall. His face was blue. I suddenly knew what death looked like. Michael was transported to the hospital in the ambulance. Next, all of our family started arriving at our house. I asked my grandmother Marion if Michael would be ok. She said "I can't lie to you, he's dead." They tried to recuperate him but he had died of SIDS.
My mother had put Michael’s crib in my bedroom. My mother required me to wake up with Michael during the night. The night of his death I heard him crying but I was too tired to get up with him. I never told anyone about that because I felt like his death was my fault. The other day I become conscious that I was only 6 years old and I should have never been held responsible for an infant. So, I spent the last 26 years of my life blaming and beating myself up. When in reality, my mother was guilty of neglect.
The next 4 years are a miasma. All I remember were visits with a psychiatrist regularly. We usually played games and I enjoyed seeing her. My parents decided to move out of the projects and buy a house in Winchendon, MA because my mother’s family was meddling in my parent’s affairs. Finally, I felt a wave of abandon from my worries as we moved to Winchendon. I was so eager to move that I left early with the moving truck instead of playing with the neighborhood kids for one last time.
At my new school I was petrified. I cried on the first day that my parents dropped me off. in next to no time a girl in my class befriended me. She gave me the chinwag on all the other kids. Then, at recess she pointed out a red-haired girl named Peggy playing soccer. My new friend warned me to pay no heed to her because she was a dork. Peggy turned out to live right behind my new house. We became good friends for a short time. This was during the time that the Jem cartoon was on TV. One day we called the show frantically trying to win a contest to sing the theme song. I got through to the voicemail while Peggy was in another room and I sang my heart out. Unfortunately, my singing voice is bad. Peggy lived with her grandparents for some reason and the grandfather in particular was a miserable man. He was always getting furious with the kids and I couldn’t be around him.
Soon after, on November 29th of 1985, my sister Tina was born. Once again, it became my responsibility to guard her during the day and wake up with her at night. It was then that I began experimenting with alcohol. My father, being an alcoholic to this day, always had a bottle of Wild Turkey around the house and I would indulge in some on occasion.
The first time I officially got drunk, it was a real disaster. I was at a modest get together in a friend’s parent’s basement/bar. We were making screwdrivers. Rapidly I got so drunk that I blacked out. All I can remember is that my friend Kevin pulled my pants down. Then we must have gone out in his back yard because they wanted to go in the tree house. As I tried to climb up I got to the top and then slipped. While I skidded down the tree my stomach got a long gash on it from a nail that was sticking out. The cut was pointed out to me the next day by my mother. For some reason she was in the bathroom when I was taking my clothes off to take a shower.
After I fell out of the tree house I went into what I thought was the woods but in reality I just walked all the way around a tree and I peed in front of a group of skater kids that had arrived without my being aware of them. The next day I went to school and I was still drunk.
There was also my uncles’ wedding. I was taking "sips" off everyone’s drinks. I ended up on the dj stage doing a karaoke type affair of Sowing the Seeds of Love by Tears for Fears. All the kids at the wedding were in close proximity to the stage cheering me on. It was a pleasant time and that is still one of my favorite songs. All this happened before I even was old enough for high school.
Chapter 2
I did a 360 (as one teacher called it) in high school. I got really into hardcore music and going to shows and I did really well in school at the same time. I made National Honor Society my junior year. They asked me to join as a sophomore but I thought it was too nerdy. When I told my mother that, she insisted that I join in my junior year so I figure "why not?” I received a lot of awards my senior year and graduated 4th in my class. Close to graduation I started dating a friend from Boston. He got me into weed and drinking again. On the day of my graduation party, my mother’s friend gave me some champagne. The party ended early because I got drunk and passed out. The next day I moved in with my boyfriend in Boston. I felt like a cool dude being able to support myself in the city.
I started to feel what a celebrity must feel. There were lights and music and people all the time. So, I began to party like I was famous. I moved around a lot. One of the first places I went to was a room that a friend from high school rented. He and his friends introduced me to acid. The first time I tripped was unreal. I and my friend took the acid in the room and just as it was kicking in, we got a ride from some people. That night brought us to many places, physically and emotionally. My favorite part was when we were peaking and we were sitting on a bench at a baseball field. It felt like it wasn't the ground that we were on but water. I could feel the bench floating and then I flicked a cigarette into the field but it looked we were on a boat in a pond and the cigarette extinguished as soon as it hit the surface. That night started a short love affair with acid. What I loved most about it were the people it introduced me to. I also started going to college at Mass Art during that time. I felt truly free. When I finally settled somewhere it was because a professor of mine could tell that something was going on with me based on my performance in her class. The fact was that I was homeless and out of money. As fate would have it, she had enormous pulling in the housing office. I was in my very own dorm room that day. When I moved out they even gave me my security deposit back (which I never paid for in the first place).
I met a guy named Gus in the dorm and we started drinking together almost every night. One night I had just bought a pair of roller skates at the thrift store and I was skating up and down the halls of the dorm. It was funny because we shared the dorm with M.I.T. students. We would hear them clacking away on their computers and I'm sure they could hear us partying.
On my 19th birthday I started going out with an acquaintance named Dan. I was truly in love. We enjoyed all the same things and he was really funny. We continued to party that year and the next year in the dorms and the following year in our apartment in Allston. It was there that I saw a movie that changed my life.
The movie was Paradise Lost. It's about 3 Arkansas teenagers who were accused and convicted of killing three kids. All the evidence pointed away from the teenagers. I immediately felt that I needed to help them get out of prison. I started by writing to one of the kids, Jason Baldwin. Then I handed out flyers on the streets of Boston encouraging people to see the movie and join the fight to free Jason, Jesse and Damien. The movie was in theatres at the time, I met the guys who made the film in New York City.
They were overjoyed that I was promoting their movie so they invited me to their premier party. There too I met a lot of other fascinating people. I just couldn’t believe I was drinking at a sophisticated New York City party. I don’t ever know where in New York City I was.
Finally, in December of 1996, I met Jason in prison. We had what is called a special visit together for 2 days and by the end of our visits, he asked me to marry him. I was happy and said yes. I went back to Boston and prepared to move closer to Jason. All my friends thought I was crazy and looking back on it I was.
I had a hard time finding an apartment so Jason's mother offered to let me live with her and her other two sons Matt and Terry. I took her up on her offer and moved to Memphis during the summer of 1997. I didn’t know at the time but my parents were about to get divorced. My father suggested that when he drive me down to Memphis that a “friend” from work could come too. Now he’s married to her.
Matt was a few years younger than me and we had a lot in common so we got along right away. Plus, I was 22 and could buy beer so he liked being around me. As sweaty southern trailer dwellers will do, we ended up having sex and we were basically having an affair after that.
When the summer was over, I quickly found a job at the University of Memphis, which I loved. In September I moved into a studio apartment in the Claridge House. I let Matt move in too, to keep me company. Our friendship drunkenly developed into a relationship which quickly went sour. Matt was physically abusive. I gave him a few chances then in the beginning of 1998 he went too far.
I was talking on the telephone with a friend from high school and Matt was fuming with jealousy. He ripped the phone cord out of the wall. Trying to avoid being with him, I laid down and tried to go to bed. I had a futon bunk bed. When I wrapped the comforter around me to go to sleep, he pulled it and I landed on the floor hard. I fell about 4 or 5 feet. I started to run across the room to press the security alarm but right before I got to it, he tackled me to the ground. Matt put me in a scissor type hold on my lower back to keep me from getting up. It worked; I still have a hard time standing up straight to this day. He held me "hostage" in the apartment the whole night. He didn't even let me go to the bathroom by myself.
Coincidentally, someone was picking us up in the morning to go visit Jason. That was my way to get Matt out of the apartment. When we got to the prison, they wouldn't let us in so we headed back to Memphis. Matt couldn't come into the building because he had previously been kicked out for throwing things off the roof. I told security what had happened and they tried to make sure he didn't get in again.
Fear got the best of me and I moved back to Massachusetts a few days later. While in Memphis I had begun showing signs of mental problems which I now know as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
your "secret garden" dreams can come true
There is something mysterious we all love about the idea of a ”Secret Garden”. Reading about them is one thing, but visiting one….who knew you could? Now is our chance! Stroll through winding paths overflowing with luscious plants. The Garden Conservancy recruits regional representatives to seek out unique and inspirational private gardens all across the United States in an effort to open them up for public viewing. This project is called “The Open Days Program”. Over 350 landscapes participate from March through the fall each year. Purchase tickets for only $5 per person! Bring the kids, ages 12 and under are FREE! NO RESERVATION REQUIRED! Visit the above link for schedules, locations and more information. These gardens are the the private yards of gardening lovers! They are not your typical parks and gardens designed for “Open To The Public” visitors.
There is something mysterious we all love about the idea of a ”Secret Garden”. Reading about them is one thing, but visiting one….who knew you could? Now is our chance! Stroll through winding paths overflowing with luscious plants. The Garden Conservancy recruits regional representatives to seek out unique and inspirational private gardens all across the United States in an effort to open them up for public viewing. This project is called “The Open Days Program”. Over 350 landscapes participate from March through the fall each year. Purchase tickets for only $5 per person! Bring the kids, ages 12 and under are FREE! NO RESERVATION REQUIRED! Visit the above link for schedules, locations and more information. These gardens are the the private yards of gardening lovers! They are not your typical parks and gardens designed for “Open To The Public” visitors.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
right brain, euphoria, creativity...
those are all the things I have or will look into after seeing this video: let me know if or it doesn't work or just go to and click on most emailed videos and then find the one jill something or other, its on of the top ones.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Change of Heart
I just read Jodi Picoult's Change of Heart. It's full of paradoxes. Her main character is sentenced to death for killing a little girl and a cop but then when he's in prison he starts performing miracles and he is beleived by some to be Jesus. All the while he's trying to get permission to donate his heart to the sister of the girl who as it turns out was killed during a fight with her father, the cop because he caught the father molesting the girl and he went for the gun and she got shot and then the main character did kill the father. Finally, he quotes to his spiritual advisor (who was on the jury that convicted him) supposedly ancient texts that aren't in the bible today called the gospel of Thomas but his miracles start going wrong. So, he gets executed, the girl gets the heart and then he "appears" to his spiritual advisor in the form of a photo of the advisor and his grandfather that was stolen from him before the trial and it was wrapped in a page that contained the gospel of Thomas. We hear from the girl with the heart at the end of the book and then while she's talking she realizes that her dog is dead. She picks his cold body up and screams "NO!, NO!" and her mother runs upstairs to see why she's yelling and the dog is back from the dead.
Reading this book reminds me of when I was giving birth to Maggie. The doctor gave me all kinds of drugs to "stop the pain" but all they did was get me fucked up. So I realized that the drugs the nuses gave me and all the twists in this book that the author provides are all just to keep you quiet/or busy while they do what they need to do.
Reading this book reminds me of when I was giving birth to Maggie. The doctor gave me all kinds of drugs to "stop the pain" but all they did was get me fucked up. So I realized that the drugs the nuses gave me and all the twists in this book that the author provides are all just to keep you quiet/or busy while they do what they need to do.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Back to Reality
Justin goes back to work today so I'm stuck in the house all week. Luckily winter is almost over. I pray that things keep going good.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Great Reads
Since I'm trying to be featured in the great reads section of my favorite blog I guess I should say a little something. Here's what's going through my head lately. I'm 33 years old and me and my boyfriend have a beautiful daughter Maggie. For years though I've been struggling with a lot of family differences with my parents and siblings and I don't know what to do because they all hate my boyfriend. We're just trying to raise our daughter in a happy home and it makes me wonder if I should cut them out of my life so we don't have to deal with all the drama? My email is if you have any input you would like to share.
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