Thursday, May 27, 2010

Finding Things in 2's

Lately I have been collecting lucky objects because we definitely all need some luck. Anyway, I found 2 acorns stuck together and 2 four leaf clovers. Eventhough the Bible doesn't believe in luck heres some thing about the number 2 in the Bible

TWO: This number can mean difference, division, or double portion.

•On the second day God created light and darkness. [Genesis 1:3-4]
•The Ten Commandments were inscribed on two tablets of stone. [Exodus 31:18; 32:15; 34:1, 4, 29]
•The children of Israel were forbidden to collect manna on the Sabbath and therefore were permitted to collect a double portion of manna on Friday.[Exodus 16:5]
On the 6th day of Creation God created two'male and female'of every species in order that fertility might be a blessing to the earth. [Genesis 1:24-31]
•In the New Testament Christians also saw this number as a symbol of the second person of the Trinity, the Incarnation of God the Son in the perfection of His humanity and divinity.

I hope I'm not pregnant.

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